Rakesh had been ready for a good argument when Pastor Samuel showed up. As planned, Rakesh began barraging Pastor Samuel with questions. But Rakesh’s motivations were different than he had originally intended.

When Deepam and Grace Project supported Pastor Samuel began ministering in Rakesh village, he faced great opposition. The people of this community adhered to their ancestral faith and viewed Christianity as a dishonorable, “tribal” religion.
Are not you ashamed to forsake your own deity and worship the tribal god? The elders chastised. Keep your religion to yourself and stop spreading it here in this village. You are not at all welcome among us.
Undeterred by their harsh words, Pastor. Samuel knew God deeply cared for these people and continued sharing Jesus' love with them. One day while visiting people’s homes, he met Rakesh. Like the other villagers. Rakesh ardently worshiped his ancestral deity and thought each community should follow their own religion.
Despite their different beliefs a friendship blossomed between Pastor Samuel and Rakesh. As they grew closer, Pastor Samuel began to tell Rakesh the Good News, but Rakesh usually just tried changing the subject.
Rakesh started to watch the image book of Jesus Compassion literature; he began to appreciate Christ. He started opening to God’s word, and his mind filled with questions about things in the booklets he didn’t understand. Many times, his wife noticed he was lost in contemplation.
Sometime later, Rakesh saw Pastor Samuel again. He started debating with Pastor Samuel – but with a different motivation than he had originally planned. Instead of trying to debunk Pastor Samuel beliefs. Rakesh asked question, understand what he had saw the image in the booklets and find out if it were true.
Pastor Samuel explained God’s word to him, and Rakesh's mind continued opening to God’s love.
After our VBS Rakesh asked us to show if there is any film about Jesus Christ. We have showed Passion of Christ in our phone. As Rakesh watching he is not able to control his tears as well as the fear. He saw the sacrifice Jesus made, and God softened his heart even further.
I had been hearing the word of God last few months, but today was the first time I watched this film on the suffering of Jesus Christ. He declared after the show. I had been thinking that Christ in only for white color people but now I realize I was so wrong.
Rakesh made a decision to follow Jesus, and since then, he’s following Christ and Church activities, even though his friends mock him, he continues to pray that they, too will embrace Christ’s love. He is the one in the Baptism list month of December.
If Rakesh might not attend the VBS he may not be walking with Christ today. Because of VBS some songs, skits, messages strikes his heart to know more about Christ. God transformed Rakesh heart.
Kindly Pray for Rakesh and His family, He committed his life to Jesus Christ. Month of December he wants to take baptism.
Kindly pray for all four pastors’ family and Church’s
Kindly pray for the safety of the pastors and God’s provisions
Kindly pray for the Upcoming baptism program.
Kindly uphold your prayers, building a church for Pastor. Samuel.
Kindly pray for Havilah (7-month-old), She is not well, Pray for her safety and fast recovery.