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Family Believes After Daughter Healings

Larry Bender

Sneha noted her surroundings. She was in the hospital. Something had happened to her, but the memory of what eluded her. Why did everything hurt? The 15-year-old girl had been climbing a tamarind tree, trying to pick fruit, and fell 25 feet. She had been knocked unconscious from the impact, and her body sustained injuries that needed immediate treatment. But there was a problem: Sneha family couldn’t afford to pay for the treatment.

Important Teachings at VBS

The money Sneha parents made was not enough to pay for the treatment she needed, and there was no one to help them. The most the family could do was wait, which, given Sneha injuries, was excruciating.

While they waited, the family received a visit from Deepam Ministries Pastors (Powered by Grace Project). A couple of months before Sneha’s fall, she had attended Sunday school at Pastor Samuel church. It was there that Sneha first learned of Jesus and of His great love for her. Then came an event that would change Sneha’s life.

Through the Sunday school, she was invited to a Vacation Bible School event held for the children. Every song and story revolved around a singular theme: connecting with God. The teachers and volunteers impressed upon every child, including Sneha, that they can live in the love of God every day. One verse stood out to Sneha: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

Sneha had truly seen how much God loved her—and she had decided to live in that love.

So when the young girl spent a week in the hospital after her fall, and went home without the treatment she really needed, she didn’t seem worried. Much to her parents’ surprise, Sneha was calm about the current dilemma. Jesus would heal her, she told her parents, and she urged them to pray for her in Jesus’ name. It was part of what she had learned at VBS, after all. If she believed and prayed God would heal her, She would. They would just have to wait.

Faithful Prayer Brings Healing, Love

Pastor Samuel visited Sneha at home every day to pray for the hurt girl and anoint her with oil. After a month of prayer, the pain caused by Sneha’s fall was gone. Despite the depth of his injuries, Sneha could walk as if no accident had ever happened. She had been completely healed of any lasting effects.

It was a miracle—one Sneha’s parents couldn’t ignore. The family began attending Pastor Samuel’s church together, and Sneha’s parents decided to put their trust in the One who had healed their daughter. It was the same faith, the same love that Sneha had found at VBS. And now, her parents had found it, too.



Grace Project is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 37-1901998) established in 2018 with a mission to provide dignity and hope to the marginalized women in India and to families in Baja, Mexico who are in need of well-constructed homes. 



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Yorba Linda, CA 92885

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